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What role does social selling play in a B2B sales strategy? Jan 04, 2023

Sales don’t look like they used to, nor will they ever appear that way again. Changes in the customers themselves are behind the...

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Sales Leaders! Social selling is not "fun for millenials". Jan 04, 2023

Which group of sales bosses do you belong to? Do you think that a presence in social media is a waste of time and you expect your salespeople to...

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Marketing and sales agreement. What should it include? Jan 04, 2023

There are different goals, different perspectives, and different languages spoken between the sales team and the marketing team. In this era of...

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5 types of Sales Leaders in social selling. Which type are you? Dec 31, 2022

During the last 3 years of running social selling programs, I have had the opportunity to work with a group of several dozen different sales...

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